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What Does PDF Mean In Computer Terms? Everything You Need To Know

If you’ve used a computer in the last 30 years then you have most certainly encountered a PDF file, but what does PDF mean in computer terms? Consider me your ‘Abode Wan Kenobi’ as I shed the light on all that is PDF.

what does PDF mean in computer terms

What Does PDF Mean in Computer Terms?

The Portable Document Format (PDF) was created by Adobe in 1993. The PDF is a cross-platform file type that allows you to view a file in its original format no matter what software, hardware or operating system you are running. Originally just an electronic image of a document, the PDF has evolved over the years allowing for the use of hyperlinks, video and audio embedding, form fields, interactive buttons, embedded fonts and more. In short, it is a surefire way to view and interact with an electronic document as its publisher intended.Adobe’s PDF has revolutionized how businesses share documents.

Viewing a PDF Document

Nowadays your internet browser is usually all you need to view a PDF file. However, if you want to make use of the more recent features of the Portable Document Format, such as electronic signatures, then you’ll want to download a PDF reader on to your device. PDF readers such as Adobe’s Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free and will run across Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android platforms.

Creating a PDF Document

It doesn’t matter if you’re using Microsoft Office, Apple Pages or Google Docs. Creating a PDF is just as easy as saving your work. Once you’re done, just export your file as a PDF

Editing a PDF Document

Most PDF viewers will allow you to make small changes to a PDF, such as annotating, adding comments and highlighting text. The PDF also supports form fields, which means you can enter data into a PDF and save your changes. You will have no doubt encountered these if you’ve ever filled out an online job application or completed a tax return online. Don’t forget that a PDF is primarily a read-only file. If your goal is a complete re-write, you’re going to need to convert it into a different format.

Converting a PDF Document

There are a number of online converters available, but you might want to take in to account that you’ll have to upload your files on to their servers. Perhaps not the best option if you’re dealing with sensitive information. A quick Google search will find you a number of free converters that will convert your PDF files so that they can be edited in applications such as Word or Apple’s Pages. But maybe you’re a graphic designer or web developer and you need more from your PDF converter. If that’s the case, you can find out more here.

The PDF is the first plausible alternative to physical print. Its uses range from employment contracts to ebooks. Being familiar with what they are and how to use them is an absolute must for anyone in today’s digital age. Well, that’s your question ‘what does PDF mean in computer terms?’ answered. Feel free to check out the rest of our website for more information on similar topics.

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